Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Avatar... Holy shit!

Avatar Pictures, Images and Photos
Take Fern Gully, the Matrix, Dances With Wolves, and mix in the cutting edge film techniques destined to revolutionize the way movies are made (reminiscent of star wars) get them all to make a baby and you have the remarkable picture that is Avatar. Add in a sexy leading lady like Zoe Saldana (even as an eight foot tall blue creature with three fingered hands and a tail) and i'm sold. Granted it was rather predictable, but characters, visuals, and battle scenes so engaging it sucked me right in and made me forget i was sitting down for near three hours... Damn fine picture, Damn fine.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Martin Marcantonio Luciano Scorsese

Makes damn good movies. I can watch "The Departed" a million times and still love it. Even if it is on TNT and they change about 83% of the dialogue.
Every decade this dude comes out with something amazing. 'Taxi Driver' in '70's, 'Raging Bull' in the '80's, and 'Goodfellas' for the 90's, and the big double zeros, its The Departed.

Maybe 'Shutter Island' will continue the tradition, and if not? Well, he has 9 more years to make something. 

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