This movie is about a viking boy named Hiccup, voiced by Jay Baruchel, who's village is constantly raided by dragons. While his fatehr, Voice by Gerard Butler, is away fighting the dragon menace, Hiccup is going through training to become a dragon killer, but he ends up befriending one and realized that they might not really know the dragons at all.
Easily the best animated move this year. And i never thought i'd say that about a dreamworks picture over a pixar movie, but its true. I really really liked it, and once it came out on video i had to own it. I recommend that everyone should see it, regardless of age its fun for the whole family. My only qualm with it is that although his dry humor is amusing, as a voice actor Jay Baruchel's skill fall short. But the movie makes up him with great work by Gerard Butler and Craig Ferguson. but please people, if you haven't already seen it go see it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Fallout 3... The Movie!
Its like they took the graphics from Fallout 3 and used it to make the Book Of Eli, which looks exactly like one of my favorite video games. this film is about a guy named Eli (Denzel Washington) who is trying to get to the east coast for reasons i cannot say for hopes of spoiling the ending, and his adventures escaping a ruthless group of scavangers who's leader is played by the great Gary Oldman.
I'm always down for a good apocalypse movie, and this is by far one of the better ones this year. I really liked it and the implementation of the power religion over people, and it has a twist. i always love a good twist. Check it out peeps, its worth watching
I'm always down for a good apocalypse movie, and this is by far one of the better ones this year. I really liked it and the implementation of the power religion over people, and it has a twist. i always love a good twist. Check it out peeps, its worth watching
Clash Of The Titans.... sigh
Piranha 3D
Boobs, blood, and comedy... Need is say more. This movie isn't really worth a real review, its one of those monster movies that is made to be so cheesy its funny. This laugh riot includes such wonderful lines as "They took my penis!" and other lines i cant remember. But if any other movie deserves to be in 3D it was this movie, it shows 3D for what it really is, a cheesy gimmick and not to be taken seriously. All in all i'd say its worth watching when you're in the mood for a cheesy horror film and want a good laugh.
The crazies
This movie was much better than I expected it to be. A kind of zombie/epidemic movie in which a government created bio-weapon virus is accidentally released into a rural American area.
the town sheiff, played by Timothy Olyphant, tries to escape the quarentine zone while dodging the murderous infected and trigger happy U.S. soldiers. The premis is awesome, I loved how the infected turned into murderous psychopaths instead of typical mindless zombies, the execution although wasn't as good as it could have been. The supporting actors, mainly Joe Anderson and Danielle Panabaker, wasn't very good but that is to be expected. I really loved all the creative ways the infected killed people like the guy burning his house down with his family still inside, the guy stabbing strapped downvictims with a pitchfork, or doctors stitching victims eyes and mouth shut, but I did find a few things a little too farfetched.
All in all though, if you like infection type movie I hoghly recommend it, if you have a weak stomach, you might want to avoid it.
the town sheiff, played by Timothy Olyphant, tries to escape the quarentine zone while dodging the murderous infected and trigger happy U.S. soldiers. The premis is awesome, I loved how the infected turned into murderous psychopaths instead of typical mindless zombies, the execution although wasn't as good as it could have been. The supporting actors, mainly Joe Anderson and Danielle Panabaker, wasn't very good but that is to be expected. I really loved all the creative ways the infected killed people like the guy burning his house down with his family still inside, the guy stabbing strapped downvictims with a pitchfork, or doctors stitching victims eyes and mouth shut, but I did find a few things a little too farfetched.
All in all though, if you like infection type movie I hoghly recommend it, if you have a weak stomach, you might want to avoid it.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
My initial reaction to this movie was "what the fuck did i just see" but the more i thought about it the more i liked it. And now upon further examination i think its one of the best movies i've seen this year. Definitely it is a revolutionary new way of film making, and the old school video game feel was amazing but it actually made me like Michael Cera again... Who knew! This is one of those movies i recommend everybody owning on video cuz it is quite awesome..... well except for his stupid rock n roll battle with the two asian dudes (that part is still dumb to me) but everything else is phenomenal. Its funny, visually stunning, and well written, go get it doods.
Get HIm To the Greek
For those of you who don't know, Get Him to the Greek is about a record pion(played by Jonah Hill) trying to get a washed up rock n roll super star(played by Russell Brand) to his big comeback show, and silliness ensues. I actually didn't mind this movie, it was a little confusing trying to figure out if both characters were the same characters from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" (which i'm still not sure about) or if only one of them was. I think a lot of the "drugs, sex, and rock n roll" jokes were kinda hit and miss but i found myself laughing a lot more than i normally would. And this movie is probably the only time in the history of anything that i enjoyed something P. Diddy has done, he was hilarious in this show. I think this is a good red box movie, its probably not worth more than a dollar, but worth checking out
Monday, November 29, 2010
Iron Man 2
I figured i would write this before TxBag got his nasties on it cuz i know how much he hated the first Iron Man (which i thought was awesome) but in all fairness his criticism of the cheesiness of the line "Lets take this to the sky!" was actually said in the second one as well and was still just as cheesy. That being said i still loved this movie. It was almost as good as the first one which is pretty hard for sequels to do.
Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke do incredibly well playing the villains, Don Cheadle is a much better Rhodie than Terrance Howard and Scarlett Johansson kicking ass in a skin tight black spy outfit, i'm sold. My only complaint is that in some parts it runs a little long, and the final battle sequence is a little too short, but other than that i thought it was a fantastic flick.. And that part where Scarlett Johansson and Gweneth Paltrow walk up the stairs in high heels and skirts is worth watching over and over, believe me cuz i've done it.
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