Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The crazies

This movie was much better than I expected it to be. A kind of zombie/epidemic movie in which a government created bio-weapon virus is accidentally released into a rural American area.

the crazies movie poster

the town sheiff, played by Timothy Olyphant, tries to escape the quarentine zone while dodging the murderous infected and trigger happy U.S. soldiers. The premis is awesome, I loved how the infected turned into murderous psychopaths instead of typical mindless zombies, the execution although wasn't as good as it could have been. The supporting actors, mainly Joe Anderson and Danielle Panabaker, wasn't very good but that is to be expected. I really loved all the creative ways the infected killed people like the guy burning his house down with his family still inside, the guy stabbing strapped downvictims with a pitchfork, or doctors stitching victims eyes and mouth shut, but I did find a few things a little too farfetched.

All in all though, if you like infection type movie I hoghly recommend it, if you have a weak stomach, you might want to avoid it.

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