Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally saw Where The Wild Things Are

In this film Spike Jonze(who by the way spells his name like an arrogant douche bag who thinks he's way too edgy for normal spelling) a highly imaginative little boy just doesn't feel he fits in and runs away finding himself in a world with all these big monsters... A few thoughts; i hear nothing but good about this movie and maybe it was my fault for going into it with high expectations but i thought people gave it way too much credit. Much like the directors name i got the impression this film tried too hard to be edgy and hip and make you think with all its supposed imagery and parallels that point out problems in society and all that other "between the lines" bull shit that stupid people think is cool. What made the whole experience even worse was the boring indie/folk rock soundtrack that just made me want to gouge the eyes out of the person next to me (which coincidentally would have been Ryan or Manuel). All that aside i will say the boy who played the leading role is an excellent actor and the chicken guy that got his arm ripped off was quite hilarious. But all in all i am very glad i waited til the movie was in the dollar theater to watch it.

Tyson's Passage
I'd say you are going soft on this movie. I always wondered how they could make like a 10 page picture book with 4 words on each page into a major movie. In my opinion, they didn't. They took a good children's book and turned it into a movie that was utterly boring as fuck. I haven't been that bored since i watched the old "Pride and Prejudice" in a high school class. Max is very imaginative but a little bit on the insane side almost like it was a prequel to Rob Zombie's "Halloween" and Max went away from his cat/raccoon  costume and his family got really white trash and poor and then little Max found a clown mask and then "Halloween" began. (Rob Zombie made a shitty movie by the way) All in all, to me, that movie sucked. I contemplated suicide more times during that 1 hour and 34 minutes then I ever have in my entire 19 years of living. But wait, I do have some positive feedback on it. Like Nemecio said, the armless Chicken man named Douglas was funny. The dirt clog war was pretty funny too, I'd recommend fast forwarding to those scenes then stop, get up, and do something fun.

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